William Lau began his animation career on the groundbreaking CG animated television series Reboot! (1994) He is known for his directorial work on My Little Pony: Make Your Mark (2023), Barbie Princess and the Pauper (2004), HotWheels: Highway 35 (2003) Transformers: Beast Wars (1996) and The Last Kids on Earth (2019) which won an Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Special Class Animated Program.
William Lawandi is known for Disclosed (2013), C.L.I.F. (2011) and True Love (2012).
William Layton was born on December 23, 1913 in Osborne, Kansas, USA. He was an actor, known for La collera del vento (1970), Der scharlachrote Buchstabe (1973) and Open Season (1974). He died on June 15, 1995 in Madrid, Spain.
William Lebghil was born on July 9, 1990. He is an actor, known for Première année (2018), Le sens de la fête (2017) and Yves (2019).
Winner of "Best Supporting Actor" at the 50th Annual Houston International Film Festival (Worldfest) for his role as Bushranger "John Dunn" in The Legend of Ben Hall which received a worldwide release in 2017. Being a competitive horse rider from a young age, William opted to do his own horse riding stunts. His belief in the project lead him to become an Executive Producer on the film. At the start of 2017 he worked on the Bushranger Doco, Lawless- The Real bushrangers by Foxtel. William is now writing and producing as he endeavours to create more content using horses in film. He is also dedicated to creating and sharing stories including his family history, from European Royalty, to a prisoner of war in Changi in WWII. William was involved in a sold out season of "The Scare", at Lamama Theatre 2013 and Awarded "Best Actor" at The Brown Paper Bag Film Festival Melbourne 2012. Educated in Melbourne, Sydney and Los Angeles, he brings extensive insight into all his work. Fun Fact: William has a double degree a "Ba. Exercise Science and Human Movement and a Ba. Sport and Recreation Management."
An independent film director for three decades, he has known how difficult it is to make a film with little financial backing and huge amounts of unasked-for advice. His passion for what he does has kept him moving forward in the face of staggering challenges. Born in New York, Lee's father A World War two veteran and aircraft engineer moved the family westward when William was 6 years old, but not way out west, as in La La land (rumor has it that Lee's father was staunch New Yorker who hated phonies!), but the Midwest--The State of Ohio to be exact. After seeing Kung Fu legend, and martial arts movie legend Bruce Lee on screen for the first time in 1974, Lee asked his father to purchase a movie camera so that he might replicate the famous martial artists' exploits--albeit on a smaller scale. Within a year of picking up a movie camera, Lee received his first film award at the Eye Music Festival of San Francisco. Since then, he has directed over 30 film projects. Outside of the obvious controversy, Lee has found that black film making has come to a complete halt in terms of creativity. The era of "hood/ghetto/gangsta" films seems to keep hanging on, with the same tired plots and imagery. Lee has found it impossible to find funding because he steers clear of typical material. Until his first major release Code: Black, in 2007, Lee had been virtually unknown. His films languished in obscure film fests,Midwestern film premieres, and on-line sites like Indieflix.com. Never quirky enough to interest Sundance, too action filled to be praised in major "refined" film circles, never peopled by major or even sub-major stars, financed totally from Lee's various day jobs, he has spent every year since 1974 chasing that dream. The dream that one day he could be seen for what he is. Not a black filmmaker, but a filmmaker who makes non stereotypical, well written action films with a message. Nothing more, nothing less. Unfortunately, in spite of his growing reputation as a talented director, the color of his skin remained a problem as investors showed a lack of confidence in the ability of an African-American to direct a produce a money making film. He constantly had to turn to friends and family for financial backing.Determination and persistence are the heart and soul of William Lee. These qualities were ultimately tested by a challenge that would shatter a lesser man. As if what he had endured before was not daunting enough, Lee had to deal with something far worse than the usual backstabbing of the movie industry: life-threatening cancer-like Systemic Lupus. Diagnosed in 1997, the disease required him to undergo surgery, treatment with experimental drugs, and chemotherapy for the better part of two years. In addition to substantial weight loss, Will Lee was forced to contend with a gaping hole in his side, and physical debilitation that resulted in lengthy periods during which a wheel chair was his only way of getting around. In spite of the intense pain and temporary setbacks, he eventually forced a miracle. The affliction that once placed his life in jeopardy is now in remission, and he is a fully functioning member of the community: a testimony to medical advances and his own desire to live. Having overcome the danger, but realizing there is no cure for the disease, this Lupus survivor today smiles at the memory of the experience.
William Lee Houston, is an American born actor. He began his studies in Los Angeles with Brian Reise Acting Studios. He then moved to Lesly Kahn & Company, and is now studying with the Anthony Meindl's Actor Workshop. William, has studied at Upright Citizens Brigade, iO West , and has booked film, national commercials, and voice over work as well. He has just booked a series regular on a pilot (comedy). William is represented by Engage Artists Agency.
William Lee Rayner is known for The Strangers: Chapter 1 (2024).
William Lee Scott was born on July 6, 1973 in Hudson, New York, USA. He is an actor and writer, known for The Butterfly Effect (2004), October Sky (1999) and Gone in Sixty Seconds (2000). He has been married to Charlene Bloom since 2002. They have two children.
William Leon is an actor and director, known for Shameless (2011), How to Get Away with Murder (2014) and Those Who Can't (2016).